ATM Placement Company

ATM Machine Placement ATM Processing

Retail establishments often look towards a profit-sharing scenario commonly referred to as a “placement.” FEDCorp is an ATM placement company, offering ATM placement services tailored to the needs of the retail establishment.

Our offices, strategically located across the Southeastern U.S., can help find a ATM machine placement solution for your retail establishment. We offer the full placement option of a lobby-style ATM unit, cash replenishment, and servicing of the terminal. If the location warrants a different level of involvement from the merchant, please feel free to contact us to discuss your particular needs and desired level of involvement as it relates to your ATM placement.

ATM machine placements will increase in-store sales and provide a new revenue stream for your business for a relatively small footprint. If your retail establishment has a contract with an organization that can’t keep the terminal properly serviced or supplied with cash, you may not only be losing your ATM revenue stream but also the in-store sales those cash withdrawals help facilitate.

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